Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween 2009

Collaborative effort: Pumpkin from Draper Pumpkin Munchkins, carving and candle lighting by Grandma, snapshot by Grandpa, security by Mr. Scarecrow.

Monday, October 12, 2009


The Speech President Obama Should Give

Follow this link. Mr. Friedman is a liberal columnist for the New York Times. I applaud his sentiments in his October 11 column.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Art Appreciation Contest: Which of Clovis Hill's great grandchildren created these pieces?

Each was created by a different artist. Each was created independently of the other, despite their striking similarities.


Job Hunt

So far, I've applied with The Veteran's Administration, Homeland Security, See's Candy, and with Grassroots Campaigns.

"Grassroots Campaign?" you ask.

Well, yes, Grassroots Campaign.

You see, in their Craig's List want ad they said they were hiring help to raise funds for the Save the Children organization, which is a respectable international charity. I actually applied unsuccessfully for a job with Save the Children right after I graduated from BYU.

So, going in for my interview with Grassroots I was serious about the job but also very curious about how it would be to work within a progressive organization.

There were about eight of us in the group portion of the interview. A cheerful young lady with blue hair briefed us on the different campaigns they were interviewing for. The other campaigns were very progressive ones, but she gave lots of time to the one I'm interested in so I didn't leave when she asked if anyone was uncomfortable with the liberal agenda.

In my one-on-one interview with another young lady, I confided that I was not politically progressive, and that I was only interested in the one campaign. The interviewer explained that at this agency they want people to function as a team. They would like buy-in from all their employees for each campaign d'jour. We bantered good naturedly for a few minutes, but agreed the position was not a good match for me. She said she'd call me if they ever need help on a specific campaign where my interests and skills were needed. I think we became friends, but I don't think she will call.

Nice people, though.


Gandhi, King, Walesa, Mandela — Obama?

Scott Simon, KPBS Weekend Edition

Gandhi, King, Walesa, Mandela — Obama?

by Scott Simon ("Simon Says" 10 OCT 2009)

Americans can be proud that the President of the United States has won the Nobel Peace Prize. But some perspective might be useful, too. The Nobel Committee never gave the Peace Prize to Mahatma Gandhi. They did award it to Henry Kissinger in 1973, and Tom Lehrer, the satirist, observed, "A world that gives Henry Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize is beyond satire."

Hu Jia, the Chinese AIDS and human rights activist, was also reportedly considered this year. Mr. Hu was put in jail — for the fifth time — before the Olympic Games in Beijing last year for writing about some of the millions of people who were relocated by force. Mr. Hu is still in prison, charged with subversion for using the Internet to alert the world to China's political prisoners.

Morgan Tsvangirai was also nominated. The former miner who is now Prime Minister of Zimbabwe first went to jail in 1989 for protesting President Robert Mugabe's brutality. He has been beaten and harassed by security police. Even though international observers believe Mr. Tsvangirai won last year's presidential elections over Mr. Mugabe, he agreed to serve as his prime minister to work for peaceful change.

You might also recall some past Nobel Peace laureates. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery bus boycott, organized mass movements, endured solitary confinement, and armed non-violence with unparalleled eloquence to help overturn segregation, all before he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

Lech Walesa led Poland's Solidarity movement and was jailed, beaten and threatened for seven years before he won the Peace Prize in 1983 for using strikes and assemblies to peacefully challenge a steel-and-tanks dictatorship.

The Dalai Lama won the prize in 1989 for defying totalitarianism and embodying interfaith harmony for more than 30 years. But this week, President Obama pointedly declined to meet with the man who is now his fellow Peace laureate — to avoid offending China.

Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest when she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, forced to sell her furniture to her Burmese military captors to pay for food. Eighteen years later, she is still under arrest.

By the time Nelson Mandela and Frederik de Klerk shared the Nobel in 1993, Mr. Mandela had spent a third of his life jailed and banned, but accepted Mr. de Klerk's hand to overturn the historic crime of apartheid.

Jane Addams won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, after spending 40 years helping to feed, teach and care for thousands of immigrants who built and enriched Chicago.

The president said yesterday, "I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize." He deserves to be taken at his word.

BLH Comments: I thought President Obama, Mr. Simon, and KPBS/NPR showed a lot of class in response to Friday's surprising announcement. I will be critical of the President when I think he deserves it, but I do admire him at times. This is one of them. As for the Nobel Committee and the actual selection, something is rotten in Sweden.

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