Sunday, June 11, 2006


Military Retirement Looms

On Seth's birthday, August 5th, Brad will be recognized at a Navy retirement ceremony. He will have served over 27 years combined in the Regular Army, Army Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and Navy Selected Reserve (SELRES). The two and a half IRR years were passive and non-uniformed, except for one two-week training assignment at the old Balboa Hospital. This means he served 24+ years in actual uniform. Brad, with mixed feelings, will hang up his uniforms for the last time on September 30, and turn his attention to other activities.

Pictured here are Mrs. and Senior Chief Hill at a June 10 Navy "Dining Out" celebration. It was a fitting occasion on which to note and reflect upon the years we've worked as a team to be part of our nation's security. They also serve who wait, and watch, and pray... (John Milton).

What A lovely couple :)
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